December, 2017 RSS Icon
Found 2 entries for December, 2017.

Bipeds of Brookland: Dr. James Loewen 
Dr. James Loewen

Dr. James Loewen grew up in the Midwest. While studying at Carlton College in MN, he decided to investigate segregation in the rural south. “I spent part of my junior year abroad in Mississippi.” While at Mississippi State, he sat in classes for three days at the Tuskegee Institute.

“I think I was actually the first white student at Tuskegee.” He also visited Tugallou College, a historically black college where he later became a professor.  Dr. Loewen later taught at the University of Vermont and left in 1996 to move to DC where he had previously lived while doing research at CUA Law School and the Smithsonian Museum of American History. His work at the Smithsonian led to the publication of the book, Lies My

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Bipeds of Brookland: Lois and Doris Richardson
Lois and Doris Richardson

Lois and Doris Richardson, the “babies in the family,” graduated from Essex County High School in Virginia in 1966 and applied to work at the Defense Intelligence Agency when recruiters came to their school. They both moved to DC and worked at a cookie factory in Mt Rainier, MD, “until our security clearances came through.” They began rooming with a couple on Jackson Street who didn’t have children. “We became their children.” They now own and still live in that house.

It took about an hour and a half by bus to get to work. Lois analyzed aerial photography. “My area of interest was North Korea and China.” She later moved to Bolling AFB and worked on IT, writing ‘how to’ manuals for computer systems. “It

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